Chalk Stream Reflections, by Tim Hagyard
During the pandemic summer of 2020, our former CPRE Hertfordshire Planning Manager Tim Hagyard set out to walk the entire length of each of Hertfordshire’s chalk streams. These globally-rare and precious waterways, and the wildlife habitats that they support, are under tremendous pressure from increasing abstraction and pollution. Tim wanted to explore the health of these local rivers and enjoy their beauty, and this book is the by-product of his explorations.
We think the book is enjoyable and educational with a serious message, without being too ‘heavy’ or academic. Tim weaves his personal reflections and recommendations into vivid descriptions of his experiences during the walk.
This is a paperback book of 208 pages, published in July 2023.
We are selling copies of Chalk Stream Reflections at the regular retail price of £11.99, plus £4 packaging and postage per total merchandise order. All proceeds help fund our work to protect, promote and enhance the Hertfordshire countryside for everyone’s benefit.