Heartwood Arboretum
We’re delighted to offer the trilogy of beautiful full-colour wildlife books produced by the Heartwood Monitoring Group.
The first book in the series is Heartwood Arboretum by Brian Legg. This is a guide to the extensive Arboretum at Heartwood Forest, which is home to all sixty species of trees and shrubs native to the British Isles. Most of these can also be found throughout Hertfordshire. For each species, there are photographs, a description, and information about natural occurrence, properties and traditional uses.
The book is a high-quality trade paperback, 48 pages, published in 2017.
Please also take a look at the other two books in the series, Heartwood Butterflies and Heartwood Wildflowers.
Each book is just £9.99, plus £4 packaging and postage per total merchandise order.
All proceeds help fund our work to protect, promote and enhance the Hertfordshire countryside for everyone.